Tag: Minnie Mouse

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Goodbye, Mythica

The DisneySea original 5th anniversary show, The Legend of Mythics is ending on September 7th, 2014. Unfortunately I don’t seem to have too many photos of the show, but here are two. My hard disc drive doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with me at the moment, but if it ever decides to actually load …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Easter in New York Pictures

I have mentioned this a few hundred times on Facebook and Twitter, but I LOVE EASTER IN NEW YORK. There are many shows at Disney that I love, but this would definitely be in the top 3. Anyway, I have also gotten my husband addicted to this show and we’ve been quite a few times …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Springtime Surprise 2014

Hello, hello! Today I am back with a post from the Arabian Coast in DisneySea. I’ve only seen this show once and unfortunately I wasn’t in the best position to take good pictures, but since I am now obsessed with Easter in New York, I have a feeling that I may not be going back …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Seven Port Favorites

I’ve made quite a few Holiday Greeting from Seven Port posts, but this is my absolute favorite one. There are actually many more characters in this show than the ones I introduced to you in my last two posts. (The Little Mermaid & Other Chracters) I like watching this show from this spot though because …