Category: Tokyo DisneySea

TDS Food Reviews, TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Soaring: Fantastic Flight Grand Opening!

Long time no see, everyone. Apparently one post a year is the average I’m working with. Last year I started Hobonichi journaling and that took more time and energy than I had imagined, but I think I’m going to try and post more over here again. Famous last words… Since the last time we chatted …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Trying an Airbnb Near Tokyo Disney Resort

We’re gonna go back a few months because I am horrible at keeping up to date on my blog posts. I actually started journaling this year, but not surprisingly I’m behind on that as well. Anyway, back in February my friend Keith invited me to hang out with him at Tokyo Disney Resort. Some of …

TDS Food Reviews, TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Today I Ate A Monster Butt at Tokyo DisneySea

HAPPY NEW YEAR FELLOW DISNEY LOVERS! I realize that it’s already halfway through January, but it is my first post here so cut me some slack. At least it’s still January! Anyway, I made my way to DisneySea on January 9th with my good friend Tove (who has an awesome Tokyo Disney blog called Musings from …

Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea

“Free” DisneySea 15th Anniversary Monorail Pin

If you’re visiting Tokyo Disney Resort for more than three days this post might be of interest to you! If you have three monorail passes that have different dates on them you can receive a free pin and cute frame to keep your passes in. Doesn’t that sound appealing? It’s also your last chance to get …

Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea

Where I’ve been for the past year…

Hello Disney lovers and trip planners ♡ I am alive! I’m so sorry I haven’t updated this blog in almost a year…Oops. As most of you probably know, I have 3 YouTube channels and I’ve been focusing most of my energy on them. In November I got to participate in YouTube NextUp here in Tokyo, which …

Hotel Food Reviews, Hotels, TDL Food Reviews, TDS Food Reviews, Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea

Tanabata Days Sweets [TDS & TDL]

  One of the shortest events at Tokyo Disney Resort is Tanabata and it is also one of the prettiest. Even though the scale is smaller than most events, I enjoy it a lot. On the first day of Tanabata I challenged myself to try all of the themed sweets in the parks. Thankfully there were …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Crystal Points & Compass

With the 15th anniversary going on at Tokyo DisneySea, this of course means lots of cute merchandise! This also includes the magical Crystal Compass which you can use in the park to gather wishes from the various crystal points around the park. For 3,000 yen you could be the proud owner of a Crystal Compass! …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Come Join Your Friends! [Show]

If you’re a DisneySea fan you’ll know that an adorable artist cat that goes by the name of Gelatoni has joined the TDS crew of cuteness. These photos are a bit old, but I just had to share them with you even though this show has now ended. (I know, I’m super behind…I’m trying to …

TDS Food Reviews, Tokyo DisneySea

Donald Duck Special Set [Casbah Food Court]

Tokyo Disney Resort is always introducing new cute and themed foods for us to try every season and I cannot keep up with them all, but I’m going to slowly try and make my way around DisneySea to try all the character themed 15th anniversary foods! You can check out the rest of the 15th …