Tag: food

Hotel Food Reviews, Hotels, TDL Food Reviews, TDS Food Reviews, Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea

Tanabata Days Sweets [TDS & TDL]

  One of the shortest events at Tokyo Disney Resort is Tanabata and it is also one of the prettiest. Even though the scale is smaller than most events, I enjoy it a lot. On the first day of Tanabata I challenged myself to try all of the themed sweets in the parks. Thankfully there were …

TDL Food Reviews

Mushroom and Bacon Chowder Bread Cone

With all of the festivities going on at DisneySea for the 15th anniversary it’s easy to forget about the fabulous Easter event going on at Disneyland. This past week I made my way over to TDL and checked out one of the Easter food items that was on my to try list. Chip and Dale …

TDL Food Reviews, Tokyo Disneyland

Snowgie Steamed Bun Review

Here’s a food review from when the Frozen Fever event was going on in January. Again, another post that is kinda irrelevant for people who are heading to Disneyland now or in the future, but this was too cute and interesting not to post. Perhaps the Snowgie bun will be back next year or we’ll …

TDS Food Reviews, Tokyo DisneySea

Donald Duck Special Set [Casbah Food Court]

Tokyo Disney Resort is always introducing new cute and themed foods for us to try every season and I cannot keep up with them all, but I’m going to slowly try and make my way around DisneySea to try all the character themed 15th anniversary foods! You can check out the rest of the 15th …

TDL Park Reports, TDS Park Reports, Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea

Park Report: January 9th, 2016

First part report of the year! I haven’t done one of these in a while so I’m very excited to share my Disney day with you. Since January is one of the slowest times of the year at the parks we decided to wander around and enjoy the atmosphere. 2016 is the year of the Monkey …

TDS Food Reviews, Tokyo DisneySea

Breezeway Bites: Fried Pizza & Apricot Pie

After hearing that Breezeway Bites was selling fried pizza I have been eager to try them. I finally got the chance this past week and took the opportunity to try the Apricot Maple Syrup Pie as well. I’ve always been a fan of the meat pies that they sold at Breezeway Bites, but I found them …

TDL Food Reviews

Rackety’s Raccoon Saloon

Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood…I mean, in Critter Country there is a very wonderful snack spot that tends to get forgotten about. Today I ventured back past Splash Mountain to introduce the delicious treats at Rackety’s Raccoon Saloon! If you like both sweet and savory foods this may be the perfect location for you! …

Non-TDR, Non-TDR Food Reviews

Disneyland Resort & California Adventure Top 10

Hello, hello! I had the most wonderful opportunity to visit California and spend a delightful 5 days at Disneyland Resort and California Adventure. It was my first time ever to visit the sacred grounds that Walt himself walked on and you can bet that I was the most excited person ever. Of course, the thing …

TDS Food Reviews

Halloween “Black” Kouign Amann

If you’re visiting Tokyo Disney Resort during Halloween you can expect to see weirdly coloured foods. My last visit I decided to try the Black Kouign Amann. I had no clue what a kouign amann was, but it looked pretty good so I went for it. After a quick search on Google I found out that …

TDL Food Reviews, Tokyo Disneyland

Coca Cola Pulled Pork Hot Dog

I am so sorry for the lack of posts. Over the hot summer months I didn’t venture out of my air conditioned house very often therefore the lack of TDR posts, but fall is here and I am back to making regular TDR visits! It’s Halloween time here in Japan and at Disney. Before I …