Tag: Show

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Come Join Your Friends! [Show]

If you’re a DisneySea fan you’ll know that an adorable artist cat that goes by the name of Gelatoni has joined the TDS crew of cuteness. These photos are a bit old, but I just had to share them with you even though this show has now ended. (I know, I’m super behind…I’m trying to …

TDS Park Reports

Park Report: January 14th, 2016

I’m a little slow in getting this post up, but better late than never! About a month ago I went to DisneySea with my friend (click for his Instagram) and we took a peek at the new show Come Join Your Friends where Gelatoni debuted and was welcomed by everyone. I’ll have another post about the show, …

TDS Park Reports

DisneySea Perfect Christmas Show

I’ve been meaning to get this post up for a few weeks and here it is Christmas Eve! What better time to post this than now? I really like this year’s Christmas show at DisneySea and was super excited that they were using costumes from past shows and some music too. Christmas Family seems to …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Halloween Follies!

Halloween Follies is a new show that started this year at Tokyo DisneySea and can be watched at the American Waterfront Park multiple times a day. The show is based on 1920’s fashion and music. All of the characters and visiting skeletons are dressed up in costumes from then. I love both the costumes and …

TDL Park Reports, TDS Park Reports, Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea

Halloween is Coming Soon!

I was going through my photos yesterday to see what Halloween photos I had taken last year and I thought I would share them with you guys. I had just gotten my Casio vlogging camera and was so impressed with it, but now that I look at the photos they’re not that sharp. I’m excited …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Easter in New York Pictures

I have mentioned this a few hundred times on Facebook and Twitter, but I LOVE EASTER IN NEW YORK. There are many shows at Disney that I love, but this would definitely be in the top 3. Anyway, I have also gotten my husband addicted to this show and we’ve been quite a few times …

TDL Park Reports, Tokyo Disneyland

Once Upon a Time

Remeber the blog post I made about the Castle Projection Mapping? We finally were able to go see it for ourselves. Unfortunately we were not able to win lottery seats, but it was still gorgeous from far away. The pictures aren’t too clear, but you can get the general idea of how beautiful it was. …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Springtime Surprise 2014

Hello, hello! Today I am back with a post from the Arabian Coast in DisneySea. I’ve only seen this show once and unfortunately I wasn’t in the best position to take good pictures, but since I am now obsessed with Easter in New York, I have a feeling that I may not be going back …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Easter in New York 2014

Hello, hello! I apologize for the lack of posts. I have not forgotten my blog and have felt quite guilty. It is my mission in life to share my love of Tokyo Disney Resort with the rest of the world, but because of my laziness it has not been happening. I do have a bunch …

TDS Park Reports, Tokyo DisneySea

Seven Port Favorites

I’ve made quite a few Holiday Greeting from Seven Port posts, but this is my absolute favorite one. There are actually many more characters in this show than the ones I introduced to you in my last two posts. (The Little Mermaid & Other Chracters) I like watching this show from this spot though because …